Chanel Beebe, Consultant of Beebe Arts LLC, was invited by The Kapor Center to help develop and implement plans for an in-person Youth Leadership Retreat to be hosted in April of 2022.  

Program Details

  • Venue: OakStop in Oakland, CA

  • Proposed duration: 7 hours with 1-hour lunch break, 

  • Audience: High School Students Aged 13-18

  • Student Group Size: 14


  1. Give students a CS-related experience to add to their resume/portfolio

  2. Allow students to make genuine connections between their concerns in the community and their own capacities and influence

  3. Engage students with local organizations and foster connections toward their future endeavors

For this Marathon, students were encouraged to choose their own problem areas by brainstorming issues they saw in their local communities.

Student Selected Problem Areas and Developed Problem Statements:

  1. Drug Addiction: How can we help people that struggle with addiction get off the addiction and have strong connections with their families?

  2. Affordable Housing: How can we help low-income people of color get better and safer housing

  3. Affordable Housing and Mental Health: How can we help low-income and struggling people have better mental health and more affordable living?

  4. Unhoused Populations: How can we help unhoused people find homes?

  5. Gas Prices: How can we help low-income car owners have easier access to cheaper gas?

Within the context of this Marathons, students only had time to generate potential solutions to their problem areas and were encouraged to continue developing and testing their solutions within the Senior Capstone project to take place in their following semester.

Student Solutions to Problem Statements:

Affordable Housing Solutions

Affordable Housing and Mental Health Solutions

Drug Addition Solutions

Drug Addiction Solutions

Gas Prices Solutions


Some groups deviated and evolved their problem statement after doing background research and decided to develop solutions for particular aspects of the stakeholder experiences they had identified. While all of their solutions did not perfectly align with their initial problem statements, students were able to learn and practice developing solutions with a particular stakeholder group in mind.

 Photos from this Cultural Design Marathon